Friday, January 15, 2010

Control Exit with Threats - Demons #7b

(This continues my discussion of Chapter 7 of Demons in the Sanctuary by Mariam Bellamy, Trafford Publishing, 2008)
Exit Control through Threats and Fear
Some pastors suggest people leaving their flock are in danger. They teach that harm may befall those “out from under his covering.”
To imply that some harm may happen if you leave is to play on people’s doubts and fears. It would then take a lot of self confidence to exit.
One’s pastor is respected, his word heeded. When your beloved pastor creates doubt and fear – in fact suggesting that God will punish you if you leave – of course you will hesitate about leaving.
A selfish pastor may use manipulation, control and intimidation to stop people from leaving his church. The selfish pastor is out for gain and will miss the financial and volunteer time of those that leave.
A true shepherd pastor who has a heart for his people is hurt when people leave. The reason is that they care about their people and will miss them. They will not use Control and Manipulation to hold on to people because that is not compatible with love.
Rick GodwinExposing Witchcraft in the Church” (Charisma House, 1997) argues that the use of manipulation, control and intimidation is witchcraft. I do know that people who turn to witchcraft often do so to gain control.
Those in witchcraft use dark forces to gain power. The use of dark ungodly forces to gain power over others is a form of control and is rebellion against God.
It is painful to admit that any pastor could stoop to informal witchcraft to control people and block the exits from the church. Pastor Rutherford uses informal witchcraft when he makes a connection between a boy who turns to murder and his parents opposing Rutherford six years ago: “His father rose up against me, you know. He was one of those who tried to get rid of me six years ago.”
I call it ‘informal witchcraft’ because there is the implication that those who confront or question their pastor could receive such an extreme ugly consequences such as a son who murders an elderly loving Christian couple.
Mira sensed his belief that those who oppose him will suffer untold agonies and perhaps even death as a result of their obedience. She understood that he was sending her a message.
Pastors who resent those who oppose them may speak curses against those that stand up to them, question them or leave the assembly. I have written about this on in writing about how to break a curse.
Pastors sometimes join in 'prayer' against those that oppose them and generate a Christian curse. Dennis Cramer writes of this in "Breaking Christian Curses: Finding Freedom from Destructive Prayers."
The most horrible and deeply evil practice is for Christian Pastors to stoop to the actual use of witchcraft to attack those who might interfere with their empire and ambitions. I am talking about personally using voodoo dolls and generating spells against other Christians. An alternative to this is contacting a group of witches and giving them names to pray against. I believe that there are pastors who have reached this level of deprived spirituality.

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