Tuesday, November 21, 2006

When 'weakness' becomes strength
"Gandhi's Strength
In the published diaries of Joseph Goebbels, the infamous Nazi Propagandist, there are two or three references to Mahatma Gandhi. Goebbels believed that Gandhi was a fool and a fanatic. If Gandhi had the sense to organize militarily, Goebbels thought, he might hope to win the freedom of India. He was certain that Gandhi couldn’t succeed following a path of non-resistance and peaceful revolution. Yet as history played itself out, India peacefully won her independence while the Nazi military machine was destroyed. What Goebbels regarded as weakness actually turned out to be strength. What he thought of as strength turned out to be weakness." Kevin M. Pleas, Sufficient Grace
In this kingdom even our weakness, faults and sins come under the rule of King Jesus, if and only if we release them to the King. We are inclined to release our problems, addictions, faults to Jesus, if and only if we are prepared to give up control and the feeling of power that comes from autonomous control.
We are inclined to give up control if, and only if, we find within us the willingness to let go of Pride and live within Humility.
When one with problems with alcohol consumption says: "My drinking is out of control and I turn my alcohol addiction over to Christ the King," then the Kingdom of God begins to manifest within the alcohol addiction.
What area of your life would you like to turn over to Christ the King?
What 'weakness' would you like Christ the King to take over?
Prayer: "Jesus, I ask you to be Lord, Healer, Saviour and Deliverer of my ____(problem)____."

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