Saturday, November 04, 2006

Teaching from the Heart

Teaching from the heart (not the head)
Thanks for referencing my article on head/heart on
You ask what it would be like to teach from the heart. I say it would be the most natural thing in the world.
You wouldn't be straining to get it right, thinking about how to do it right, trying hard to teach right, instead you would just be the teacher you are.
You would flow with what you know (head), what the situation at the moment is (be present), and who you are (being).
So you would be relaxed and confident about your skill but not trying too hard.
You would be very aware of the present moment and attentive to the student and the question of the moment.
You would be comfortable with being yourself and flowing in the moment with the your connection with divine wisdom - the mind of Christ. You maintain that connection by consciously turning to God in prayer and love through your day. You flow in the spirit of God love.
This comes with experience. All the best with what the Bible calls entering the rest - Paul's letter to the Hebrews 4:10.
Reference: Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.

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