Knowing him - the narrow way that leads to life.
A pastor trained at Westminster Theological Seminary felt called by God to “contend for the gospel,” which is sort of code for pursuing debate with fellow pastors, elders, and congregants to make sure the appropriate level of precise theological orthodoxy was being maintained.
His professor, Peter Enns, questioned whether contending and debating without ceasing was the best way to spend one’s life in service to God’s people. Enns believed that to live in a near constant state of theological vigilance, ready to strike down a brother or sister for (perceived) theological failings seemed not only a colossal waste of the one life God has given us, but at odds with what the Bible makes a big deal of.
I agree with Enns that something is wrong. In fact, I believe that much is wrong. That it is seriously wrong. That we not only miss love but do not get to 'know' Jesus.
The 'church' when its focus is getting the 'right' theology is wrong --- because God wants a personal face to face relationship with his people.
Jesus is God's ultimatum to 'head-knowledge-religion' that God is fed up with 'head-knowledge-religion.' IN the now we can only know him personally and not through moral behaviour, doctrinal purity, religious observance and the 'law.' Such without the Spirit, without grace, without love all leads to death.
Sometimes we can see and feel the death in our 'church' experience. One observer: " the pulpit ministry was heavy-handed, the “counseling” was a spiritual version of corporate micromanaging, and the church discipline was all-too frequent. In retrospect, it was like the Bible was used as a spiritual “anvil” that people were laid upon in order to beat them into conformity to it versus trusting the Spirit to do it in his time."
Only intimate knowing of Jesus leads to life.
Jesus is God's "No!" to the old way. Enough is enough. The door to God through right knowledge, right behavior, religious performance, attending the right church, is now closed.
We must know him as well as his disciples knew him. That is the narrow way that leads to life. The secret to that knowing is not shared from 'church' pulpits.
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