Prayer in the New Church Landscape does not look like it did in the church as we know it. In the church as we have known it 'prayer was good.' Since 'all prayer is good' in an unthinking 'religious duty' sense, then there were never any questions about our attitude in prayer, Biblical teaching on prayer, the Jesus example in healing, etc.
I knew a baptist pastor who was the son of a Baptist pastor and, therefore, thought like a baptist pastor. He never questions why he does things or whether they are effective. Prayer was one of these things. I once asked have you listened to God ab out this prayer need?" Have you sought for a 'word from above' as to how to pray? Has there been listening prayer? Is there any guiding vision, revelation or scripture to be the basis of prayer?
This pastor had a different view on prayer. He assumed that any and all prayer is good. For him you do not need to listen. Just pray!
Mine is listening prayer. Don't just pray; listen! We need to ask "What is prayer?"
I explain in faith of the heart prayers why my approach is effective. Miracles, mike, are not based on head knowledge - see Head vs heart faith in faith of the heart prayer. The method of listening prayer is explained as How to do Listening Prayer.
When you enter the New Church Landscape you need to be kings and priests and not dependent on pastors like Mike. You take responsibility for your own Christian identity and you are responsible for learning how to pray effectively.
The secret is simple. Don't pray for everything. Pray as the Lord leads and how the Lord leads based on listening prayer. You may listen as a group as Daniel did with his companions in Daniel 2:17, 18.
My web site on Listening prayer is under construction. At the moment there are articles on:
Faith of the heart prayers, Head vs Heart Faith in faith of the heart prayer, How to do Healing Prayer, How to break a curse, What is listening prayer?, how to do listening prayer, How to pray for protection, prayer with the human spirit, types of prayer - intercessory prayer, What is prayer?, What is the power of prayer? How to do healing Prayer, Healing prayer for cancer.