Tuesday, November 21, 2006

When 'weakness' becomes strength
"Gandhi's Strength
In the published diaries of Joseph Goebbels, the infamous Nazi Propagandist, there are two or three references to Mahatma Gandhi. Goebbels believed that Gandhi was a fool and a fanatic. If Gandhi had the sense to organize militarily, Goebbels thought, he might hope to win the freedom of India. He was certain that Gandhi couldn’t succeed following a path of non-resistance and peaceful revolution. Yet as history played itself out, India peacefully won her independence while the Nazi military machine was destroyed. What Goebbels regarded as weakness actually turned out to be strength. What he thought of as strength turned out to be weakness." Kevin M. Pleas, Sufficient Grace
In this kingdom even our weakness, faults and sins come under the rule of King Jesus, if and only if we release them to the King. We are inclined to release our problems, addictions, faults to Jesus, if and only if we are prepared to give up control and the feeling of power that comes from autonomous control.
We are inclined to give up control if, and only if, we find within us the willingness to let go of Pride and live within Humility.
When one with problems with alcohol consumption says: "My drinking is out of control and I turn my alcohol addiction over to Christ the King," then the Kingdom of God begins to manifest within the alcohol addiction.
What area of your life would you like to turn over to Christ the King?
What 'weakness' would you like Christ the King to take over?
Prayer: "Jesus, I ask you to be Lord, Healer, Saviour and Deliverer of my ____(problem)____."

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Teaching from the Heart

Teaching from the heart (not the head)
Thanks for referencing my article on head/heart on www.HealMyLife.com.
You ask what it would be like to teach from the heart. I say it would be the most natural thing in the world.
You wouldn't be straining to get it right, thinking about how to do it right, trying hard to teach right, instead you would just be the teacher you are.
You would flow with what you know (head), what the situation at the moment is (be present), and who you are (being).
So you would be relaxed and confident about your skill but not trying too hard.
You would be very aware of the present moment and attentive to the student and the question of the moment.
You would be comfortable with being yourself and flowing in the moment with the your connection with divine wisdom - the mind of Christ. You maintain that connection by consciously turning to God in prayer and love through your day. You flow in the spirit of God love.
This comes with experience. All the best with what the Bible calls entering the rest - Paul's letter to the Hebrews 4:10.
Reference: Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.

Friday, November 03, 2006

To Hell with the DEVIL

Prayer is about focus. Focus your prayer power on the positive. Avoid energizing negative thoughts, bad goals or evil spirits with over much attention. For my fuller guidelines for safe 'spiritual warfare' prayer see: my discussion of Authority over Territorial Spirits in my articles on HealMyLife.com

The Prayer Series

Learn how to pray effectively - 9 lessons.

1. Spiritual Warfare:

One of the most toxic practices in your life can be so called 'spiritual warfare." See: Guidelines for 12 principles for 'safe' spiritual warfare.

So, "To Hell with the devil," focus on God and the good.

As in hand to hand combat using certan martial arts one can use the energy of your enemy against himself. Christians are ignorant of the enemies' strategy:

  1. We get suckered into fighting when we should disengage.
  2. We encourage demons to be present with the amount of attention we feed them.
  3. We feed them attention when we bow our heads and pray against them.
  4. We feed them by naming demons in prayer rather than invoking God.
  5. We foolishly believe that because demons are present we have to 'bind' them.
  6. We focus our faith imagination on the problem rather than on God's promises.
  7. The enemy is successful if he can turn all the creative saving holiness of the presence of Christ in the believing Christian toward energizing demons and empowering problems.
Remember Nehemiah. To establish Israel, Jerusalem need to be rebuilt as a walled city. Those who opposed the rebuilding of Jerusalem tried to distract Nehemiah. He refused to be sidetracked from the main task of rebuilding the walls. He refused discussions with his enemies in order to focus his energy on the rebuilding of the wall.

Jesus spoke of a house in relation to deliverance. There is no point casting out demons if the 'house' remains empty. In my experience the 'house' is empty if one lacks a strong spirit and a strong sense of your identity. Therefore, healing of the heart and spirit of the person takes priority over casting demons out of them. Premature battles with the demons result in a worse problem according to Jesus' discussion. The first job is rebuilding the walls of the personality and the spirit (identity) at the core of that personality.

Therefore, I refuse to give deliverance and demons high priority in Life Transformation. Inner healing comes first. Identity consolidation is imperative. Focus on the truth of who you are in Christ and to Hell with the demons.

My articles on prayer provide more information. They are listed under articles on www.HealMyLife.com. Also see my new web site on Christian Prayer listening-prayer.com